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Join date: Nov 1, 2022


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If you told me 30 years ago, I’d be standing where I am today…or standing where I’ve stood the last 12 years, I would have laughed. I’ve made massive career changes since I first began teaching first grade at the age of 21. I worked several years in higher education and eventually I ended up leaving education completely…for the corporate world…and not just the corporate world….I went straight into manufacturing….and in 2011, found myself interviewing as the first hire to build a leadership department  from scratch at a wholly owned Caterpillar subsidiary that built locomotives around the world- with 10,000 employees. Talk about feeling over my head!

I am now working in the Oil & Gas industry at a small company in Tuscaloosa, AL.

It was that first job in manufacturing that really helped me recognize that my passion in life was women’s leadership and in particular, women in male-dominated industries to be exact. It has been a priviledge to be part of this group of Empowered Women who are empowering other women.


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Keynote, Executive Coach, Leadership and Organizational Development Strategist and Women's Empowerment Advocate

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